Access virus indigo ii Benutzerhandbuch

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that you can access these directly - especially
while you are playing!. In just a few cases the
control features have dual functions.
Peripheral parameters, on the other hand, are
compiled in menus. Among these menus are
above all the EDIT main menu in the display
section as well as the six local EDIT-menus in
the individual function blocks. The EDIT menus
contain parameters that you will require less fre-
quently, but some of these are nonetheless in-
dispensable for programming sounds. The local
EDIT menus are there for a purpose – to help
you distinguish clearly between the various pa-
rameters. Here you’ll find parameters that affect
directly the given functional section, but are not
equipped with dedicated control features.
In the SYSTEM menu, you’ll find – irrespective
of the given operating mode – a number of glo-
bal parameters. These are called MIDI, SYS-
TEM and so forth and are not stored with a
SINGLE or a MULTI program.
Located next to some of these parameters,
you’ll see the abbreviations ”ENA” and ”DIS”.
The option ENA means enable and DIS means
Call up a menu by simply pressing the corre-
sponding button. Once you have opened the
menu and it appears in the display, you can
scroll through its parameters one after another
using the PARAMETER buttons and edit them
using the VALUE buttons and knobs.
If you press the PARAMETER buttons briefly,
you can scroll through the parameters con-
tained in any given menu step by step in the de-
sired direction. If you press and hold one of the
parameter buttons for a bit longer, the display
will automatically scroll through the list of pa-
rameters in the given menu. When you press
and hold one PARAMETER button and then
press the other PARAMETER button, the dis-
play will scroll through the menu in parameter
groups in the direction of the button that you
are holding down. This handy feature lets you
swiftly go from one parameter type to another,
for instance, from all chorus-related to all delay-
related parameters. If you also hold the second
parameter button down, the menus will auto-
matically scroll in the selected direction. Once
you’ve scrolled to the desired parameter group,
simply select the desired parameter by pressing
the button briefly. You can also step through the
parameters by repeatedly pressing the same
menu button.
The menus, particularly the EFFECTS menu,
contain parameter groups that are related by
virtue of their function, for instance, all parame-
ters that are used to control the phaser. When
you switch the phaser off (PHASER Dry/Eff =
OFF), all Phaser parameters are of course irrele-
vant and will no longer appear in the menu. In
other words, when the phaser is disabled, you
can’t view its parameters. The reason for this is
to make menus clearer and less cluttered.
The VALUE +/- buttons let you change the value
of a parameter in steps. When you hold one of
these buttons down, the value changes auto-
matically and the longer you hold the button,
the faster the pace of the value change. You
can increase this pace even further by pressing
and holding one VALUE button and simultane-
ously pressing the other VALUE button. If you
press and release both VALUE buttons simulta-
neously, the parameter is set to its default value