3com 8814 Benutzerhandbuch

Seite von 97
 5: S
Step 1: Start PC, and run terminal emulation program (such as Terminal of 
Windows3.1, or Hyper Terminal of Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows 
2000/Windows NT/Windows XP/Windows ME) on PC.
Step 2: Set parameters in the Hyper Terminal of Windows98.
You must set the baud rate to 9600, data bits to 8, no parity check, stop bit to 1, 
and flow control to none, and select VT100 for terminal emulation. Specifically,
Click Start
HyperTerminal to 
access the Hyper Terminal window. The Connection Description dialog box 
Click the red phone icon in the window to set up a new connection. 
Enter the name of the new connection in the Name field and OK. The Properties 
dialog box displays. 
Select the target serial port to be used in Connect using field, and click OK. The 
Port Settings Properties dialog box display. 
Set the connecting serial interface parameters. Set the bits per second to 9600
data bits to 8, Parity to None, stop bits to 1, and flow control to None, then click 
OK. The HyperTerminal dialog box displays. 
Select File
Properties to access the 3Com Properties Window. 
Click the Settings tab, select VT100 for terminal emulation, and click OK to 
confirm the settings.
 It is recommended that you set the function, arrow, and Ctrl keys to act as 
Windows keys.
Powering and Booting 
the Switch
Verifying Installation 
before Powering the 
You should verify the installation of the switch before powering it on, to make 
sure that:
The switch is stable enough.
All the boards have been correctly installed.
All the communication cables, fibers, power cords, and grounding wires are 
correctly connected.
The proper power voltage is used as required by the switch.
The Console cable has been correctly connected, the PC or terminal for 
configuration has been in service and all the required terminal parameters have 
been set.
CAUTION: Before powering on the switch, locate the position of the power 
switch for the equipment room where you will operate so that you can switch off 
the power supply promptly if needed.
Powering on the Switch
Turn on the power switch of the power source providing power to the switch.
Turn on the power switch.