Autotek autocad raster design 2010 Benutzerhandbuch

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To select palette colors directly from the image
Click Image menu  ➤  Image Processing  ➤  Palette Manager.
 (page 348) dialog box is displayed.
Click the Select Color button.
The following prompt is displayed:
Select point or [Window/Polygon]:
Do one of the following:
Select a single color by picking a point in the image.
Enter w, then click two points to define a rectangular selection window
in the image. The colors within the window are selected.
Enter p, then select several points to define a polygonal selection
window in the image. The colors within the window are selected.
The Palette Manager dialog box reappears and the colors you picked
from the image are added to the selection set in the color table.
Quick Reference
Image  ➤  Image Processing  ➤  Palette Manager
Raster Design Toolbar
Command Line
Dialog Box
 (page 348)
Removing Duplicate Entries from the Image Palette
The Palette Manager can compress the palette to remove duplicate entries
from a paletted image.
Duplicate entries are two or more indexed entries that share the same 
(page 395) values. The unused entries are changed to black (0,0,0) and the color
Manipulating the Color Table | 123