Autotek autocad raster design 2010 Benutzerhandbuch

Seite von 424
You can use raster snaps to select the raster line, circle, or arc. For more
information, see 
 (page 237).
See also:
 (page 187)
 (page 198)
 (page 199)
To define a primitive object using Smart Pick
Click Image menu  ➤  Raster Entity Manipulation  ➤  Create Primitive
 ➤  Smart Pick.
Select the raster entity to be converted.
Quick Reference
Image  ➤  Raster Entity Manipulation  ➤  Create Primitive  ➤  Smart Pick
REM Toolbar
Object Shortcut Menu
Right-click image ➤ REM ➤ Create ➤ Smart Pick
Command Line
Defining a REM Primitive From Existing Vectors
You can define a primitive object using the geometry of an existing line,
polyline, arc, or circle.
For example, if a vector line is drawn over a raster line and you want to move
the raster line, you can use the vector line to define a primitive line object
and then move the raster.
Defining a REM Primitive From Existing Vectors | 185