Autotek autocad raster design 2010 Benutzerhandbuch

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Color Map
Right-click a color map to see a menu with the following options:
Edit Color Map. Opens the dialog box for editing the color map for this
insertion, such as: Select Color for a bitonal image, Image Adjust for a
grayscale or color image.
Other options include:
 (page 345) dialog box
for a DEM image, or 
 (page 301) dialog box for
a multispectral image.
New Insertion. Inserts a new instance of the image, using the current color
Refresh. Updates the toolspace tree to show any recent changes.
Image Insertion
Right-click an image insertion to see a menu with the following options:
Zoom To. Zooms your display to show the image at full extents.
Hide/Show. A toggle control that hides or shows the image.
 (page 389).
Refresh. Updates the toolspace tree to show any recent changes.
Image Data Definition Metadata
Conditional item. If present, it identifies the source file for the image metadata.
Metadata is displayed in the item view.
Image Select Dialog Box
Use this dialog box when you select more than one image in a drawing.
Image Select Options
List of Images
Lists all images in the drawing. Each image that is currently selected is
highlighted. Click an image name to select or deselect it.
Select All
Selects all the images in your drawing.
Image Select Dialog Box | 335