Sony TC-WE635 Benutzerhandbuch

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Additional Information
Automatic Tape Selection.  The tape deck automatically sets
the appropriate equalization characteristics and bias current
according to the type of tape inserted in the deck.
Automatic calibration
The automatic adjustment of the bias current and recording
level for the inserted tape.
This adjustment works together with the deck’s ATS
(Automatic Tape Selection, see above) to get the best
possible recording results on any tape.
Auto Rec Level function
A function that automatically sets the recording level
according to the peak signal level of the program source
prior to recording.
When active, this function gradually decreases the recording
level when the signal level rises excessively during
Dolby HX Pro
A system that reduces distortion, and increases high-
frequency headroom during recording.  A tape recorded
with this system produces the same high-quality sound even
when played on other tape decks.
Dolby NR (noise reduction)
A system that eliminates tape hiss noise by boosting low-
level signals in the high-frequency range during recording,
then lowering them during playback.
There are four types:  A, B, C and S (TC-WE835S only).  Type
A is for professional use (and is not available on your tape
deck), and types B, C and S are for consumer use.  Type S
has the maximum noise reduction capability, followed by
types C and B.
Multi-Automatic Music Sensor is a function that locates the
beginning of up to 30 tracks before or after the current track
by detecting the blank space (of over 4 seconds) between
Multiplex filter
A filter for eliminating the 19-kHz stereo carrier and the
38-kHz sub-carrier signals that may impair the Dolby NR
system.  Though tuners are usually equipped with this filter,
if you got poor results when recording FM broadcasts with
the Dolby NR, your tuner may not have a filter or the filter
may not be working.  In this case, set the DOLBY NR selector
on the tape deck to ON FILTER.
Test tones
Signals (10-kHz and 400-Hz) generated by the tape deck for
bias current and recording level calibration.
A, B
optional  21
supplied  4
recording level automatically.  See Auto rec
recording level manually  7
volume  5
ATS  11, 22
Audio connecting cord  4
Auto play  8
Automatic Music Sensor.  See Multi-AMS
Automatic calibration  11, 22
Automatic Tape Selection.  See ATS
Auto rec level  12, 22
Cassette.  See Tape
CD synchro-recording
through a control A1 cord  16
using a remote  17
cabinet  18
heads and tape path  19
Connecting.  See Hooking up
Control A1 cord  4, 16
D, E, F, G
Difference between the models  2
Dolby HX Pro  7, 22
Dolby NR  5, 7, 22
high-speed dubbing  13
normal-speed dubbing  13
only specific portions  14
RMS dubbing  15
Fader  13
in.  See Fader
out.  See Fader
FILTER.  See Multiplex filter
H, I, J, K
cleaning  19
demagnetizing  19
fast-forwarding function  5
rewinding function  5
Hooking up
hookups  4
overview  4
blank space  16
cassette  5, 6
beginning of the tape  8
particular point  8
tracks  8