Nokia 6822 Benutzerhandbuch

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Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.
• GPRS [general packet radio service]
• HSCSD [high speed circuit switched data]
• CSD [circuit switched data—or GSM data]
For availability and subscription to data services, contact your service provider.
The use of HSCSD services consumes the device battery faster than normal voice 
or data calls. You may need to connect the device to a charger for the duration of 
the data transfer.
■ Data communication applications
For information on using a data communication application, refer to the 
documentation provided with it.
Making or answering device calls during a computer connection is not 
recommended because it might disrupt the operation.
For better performance during data calls, place the device on a stationary surface 
with the keypad facing downward. Do not move the device by holding it in your 
hand during a data call.