Nokia 6260 Benutzerhandbuch

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Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights 
Receiving a delivery report of a multimedia message that has been sent to an 
e-mail address might not be possible.
Message validity
 - If the recipient of a message cannot be reached within the 
validity period, the message is removed from the message service centre. Note 
that the network must support this feature. 
Maximum time
 is the maximum 
amount of time allowed by the network for which the message remains valid.
Message sent as
 - The options are 
, and 
. For further 
information, contact your network operator.
Preferred connection
 - You can send text messages via the normal GSM 
network or via GPRS, if supported by the network. 
Reply via same ctr.
(network service) - By setting this option to 
, if the 
recipient replies to your message, the return message is sent using the same 
message service centre number.  Note that not all network services provide this 
option. For availability, contact your network operator or service provider.
Multimedia messages
Go to 
Multimedia message
. The following list of settings opens:
Access point in use
Must be defined
) - Select which access point is used as the 
preferred connection for the multimedia message centre
If you receive multimedia message settings in a smart message and save them, the 
received settings are automatically used for the Access point.