Siemens A65 Benutzerhandbuch

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ens AG
 2003, L
Questions & Answers
VAR Langua
ge: a
; VAR issue
 date: 041104
left page (27)
 of A65_PUMA am, A31008-H5810-A40-1-4A19 (11.11.2004, 16:23)
Questions & Answers
If you have any questions regarding the use of your phone, you can contact us at at any time. In addition to this we have listed some 
frequently asked questions and answers below.
Possible causes
Possible solution
Phone cannot be 
switched on.
On/Off key not pressed long 
Press On/Off key for at least two seconds.
Flat battery.
Charge battery. Check charging indicator in 
the display.
Insufficient standby 
Speed search active.
Deactivate speed search (p. 24).
Display illumination switched on. Switch off display illumination (p. 21).
Charging error (charge 
icon not displayed).
Battery totally discharged.
1) Plug in charger cable, battery is on charge. 
2) Charge icon appears after approx. 2 hours.
3) Charge battery.
Contact problem.
Check power supply and connection to the 
phone. Check battery contacts and device 
plug socket, clean them if necessary, then in-
sert battery again.
No mains voltage.
Use different mains power socket, check 
mains voltage.
Wrong charger.
Only use original Siemens accessories.
Battery faulty.
Replace battery.
SIM error.
SIM card not correctly inserted.
Check that the SIM card is inserted correctly 
SIM card contacts dirty.
Use a dry cloth to clean the SIM card.
SIM card with wrong voltage.
Use 3 V SIM cards only.
SIM card damaged (e.g. broken). Visually inspect the damage. Have SIM card 
replaced by service provider.
No connection to 
Weak signal.
Move to higher location, to a window or open 
Outside GSM range.
Check coverage area of service provider.
SIM card not valid.
Contact the service provider.
New network not authorised.
Try manual selection or select a different net-
Network barring is set.
Network overloaded.
Try again later.
Phone loses network. Signal too weak.
Reconnection to another service provider is 
automatic (p. 24). Switching the phone off and 
on may speed this up.