Sony Ericsson DFP-R3000 Benutzerhandbuch

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3. Audio wiring connections
DFP-D3000 System Output connector
CP-500 Main/LF output connector
(D-sub connector, 25 pin, Male)
(D-sub connector, 37 pin, Female)
Pin No.
Pin No.
Pin 1
Left Ground
No Connection
Pin 2
Left Hot (
X10 (Left)
Pin 4
Center Ground
No Connection
Pin 5
Center Hot (
X11 (Center)
Pin 7
Right Ground
No Connection
Pin 8
Right Hot (
X12 (Right)
Pin 9
Left Surround Ground
No Connection
Pin 10
Left Surround Cold (
Signal Ground
Pin 11
Right Surround Cold (
Signal Ground
Pin 12
Subwoofer Cold (
Signal Ground
Pin 13
Subwoofer Ground
No Connection
Pin 14
Left Cold (
Signal Ground
Pin 17
Center Cold (
Signal Ground
Pin 20
Right Cold (
Signal Ground
Pin 22
Right Surround Ground
No Connection
Pin 23
Left Surround Hot (
X11 (Left Surround)
Pin 24
Right Surround Hot (
X12 (Right Surround)
Pin 25
Subwoofer Hot (
X13 (Subwoofer)
The outputs of the DFP-3000 are professionally balanced, whereas the inputs of the CP-500 are not.
Therefore all DFP-D3000 audio grounds should be connected to shielded wires.
4. Setting up the CP-500
On the CP-500, make a custom user format derived from Format 5 (SR). Then change the settings of the
CP-500 as follows. (For details, refer to the instruction manual of the CP-500.)
(1) After copying existing format (5), press “Accessory Rack” and select “Xmit/Receive enable”
(2) Press “Channel Mute”. Two cross point tables appear.
(3) Open all cross points.
(4) The first cross point table is called “Accessory rack”. Connect the corresponding channels. (For
example, connect the input Left Channel to the output Left Channel. Set other channels in the same
(5) The second cross point table (named “Normal”) should be left open.
(6) Save the user format as User 1 (or another name) and configure the format selector so that this user
format is assigned to SK6.
With the Automation wiring specified above, if SDDS data is normally detected even once, the DFP-
D3000 will send signals to the CP-500 SK6 so that SDDS input sounds are output.
The user format set this way is not set as the source of the audio digital function of the CP-500. Therefore
each time films on more than two digital formats are played back, the SDDS playback is interrupted, and
the SR-D format sound is played back.