Philips hb406 Benutzerhandbuch

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Do not use the tanning appliance and consult your doctor if unexpected effects such as itching 
occur within 48 hours after the first session.
Consult your doctor if persistent lumps or sores appear on the skin, or if there are changes in 
pigmented moles.
Always wear the protective goggles provided with the appliance while tanning to protect your 
eyes against overexposure (also see section ‘UV and your health’).
Remove creams, lipstick and other cosmetics well in advance of a tanning session.
Do not use any sunscreens or suntan accelerators.
If your skin feels taut after the tanning session, you can apply a moisturising cream.
Colours may fade under the influence of the sun. The same effect may occur when you use this
Do not expect the appliance to yield better results than natural sunlight.
Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). If handled
properly and according to the instructions in this user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on 
scientific evidence available today.
tanning and your health
the sun
The sun supplies various types of energy. Visible light enables us to see, ultraviolet (UV) light gives us
a tan and the infrared (IR) light in sunrays provides the heat in which we like to bask.
Half-body tanner
With this half-body tanner, you can suntan comfortably at home. A timer ensures that each session 
does not last longer than 60 minutes. Just as with natural sunlight, overexposure must be avoided
(see section ‘UV and your health’).
uv and your health
Just as with natural sunlight, the tanning process takes some time. The first effect only becomes
visible after a few sessions (see section ‘Tanning sessions: how often and how long?’).
Overexposure to ultraviolet light (natural sunlight or artificial light from your tanning appliance) can
cause sunburn.
Besides many other factors, such as overexposure to natural sunlight, incorrect and excessive use of 
a tanning appliance may increase the risk of skin and eye problems. The degree to which these 
effects occur is determined by the nature, intensity and duration of the exposure on the one hand 
and the sensitivity of the person involved on the other hand.
The more the skin and the eyes are exposed to UV light, the higher the risk of keratitis, 
conjunctivitis, damage to the retina, cataracts, premature skin ageing and the development of skin 
tumours will be. Some medications and cosmetics increase the sensitivity of the skin. 
It is therefore highly important:
that you follow the instructions in chapter ‘Important’ and section ‘Tanning sessions: how often 
and how long?’;
that you do not exceed the maximum number of tanning hours per year (see section ‘Tanning 
sessions: how often and how long?’);
that you always wear the goggles provided while tanning;
that the tanning distance (distance between the UV filter and your body) is at least 60cm.
tanning sessions: how often and how long?
Do not take more than one tanning session per day, over a period of five to ten days.
Take a break of at least 48 hours between the first and the second session.
After this 5 to 10-day course, we advise you to stop tanning for a while.
Approximately one month after a course, your skin will have lost much of its tan. You can then 
start a new course.