Garmin apollo sl30 comm Benutzerhandbuch

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Apollo SL30 Installation Manual 
3.  Rotate the small knob to change the value. The values "0-6" may be used to center the 
GSI needle.  
4.  Turn the small knob left or right to center the needle.  
5.  Press ENT when the needle is centered.  
6.  Turning the small knob left or right past a value of "6" will test the deflection of the GSI 
DST Disable 
The installer may need to disable the DST function when the unit is the second unit of a dual 
1.  In the Setup Mode, turn the large knob to the E
2.  Press SEL. The selection will flash.  
3.  Turn the small knob to choose Yes or No.  
4.  Press ENT after making your selection.  
VHF NAV Checkout 
On the Ground 
Check the VOR reception with ground equipment, operating VOT or VOR, and verify audio 
and Morse code ID functions (if possible). Tune a Localizer frequency and verify the CDI 
needle and NAV flag, and GSI needle GS flag.  
Some VOR test equipment may not be compatible with the digital signal processing of the 
Apollo SL30 and will give erroneous results. Examples of equipment known to function 
properly are: IFR Nav 750 and Collins 479S-6.  
Comm Setup and Checkout 
Com RF Squelch 
This valued is used by the Comm function to control its squelch level. It is usually not 
necessary to adjust this value from its factory setting.  
1.  In the Setup Mode, turn the large knob to reach the C
2.  Press SEL to activate selection. The value will flash.  
3.  Rotate the small knob to change the level number. The range of the number is 25 to 100.  
Note: The larger the number the stronger the signal must be in order for the radio to 
break squelch. The factory default value is 56.
4.  Press ENT to save the value and exit the Setup Mode. 
Microphone 1 and 2 Gain 
Set the microphone gain for microphones 1 and 2 for values from 0 to 255.  
1.  In the Setup Mode, rotate the large knob to select M
(or 2)
2.  Press SEL to activate selection. The Mic 1 value will flash.  
3.  Turn the small knob to change the value.  
4.  Turn the large knob to the Mic 2 value. Turn the small knob to change the value. 
5.  Press ENT to accept and save the settings.  
Note: A value of 128 will work well for most headset units.