games-microsoft-xbox nightcaster-defeat the darkness Benutzerhandbuch

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S aving & Loadi ng Games
S ave (Mush room Rings)
When Arran steps into a mushroom ring (see page 19), the Spell Book
opens to the Save page.
If the game was previously saved, the next available slot is
automatically selected. To save, press the A button.
If the current game has not been saved, or if you want to save to a
different slot, select a storage device (MU or hard disk), press the
A button, select a slot to save to, and then press the A button again.
L oad
To load a saved game, select Load Game from the Main Menu or the
Options page. Select the storage device where your game was saved
(MU or hard disk), and then press the A button. Select the game you
want to load, and then press the A button again.
Get ting Started
To begin the game, press
START. The Spell Book
opens to the Main Menu.
Select the option you
want, and then press
the A button.
New Game
Begin a new game. Your adventure starts with a cinematic and
tutorial. To skip the cinematic, press START.
Load the most recently saved game from an Xbox Memory Unit (MU)
or the hard disk.
Game  Demos
Check out demos of other exciting games available for your Xbox
video game system.