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Delta Force – Black Hawk Down Mission Editor Manual – Copyright Novalogic 2003
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objects can result in your roads being turned into bomb craters! When the mission is exported,
these objects and their positioning are exported as a separate .til file.
Player Type – Select the character type that you want for this mission, 10
 Mtn, Ranger or Delta
Map Types – Select what type of mission you are making. For single player missions do not
select anything.
Starting Spin Map Zoom: You can choose the default spin map distance by sliding the bar.
Win and Lose Conditions – You can set up to eight win and eight lose mission goals in this
area. The win and lose conditions are for goal information text only. The actual win and lose
conditions are set up through the Event Triggers (described later in this manual).  NOTE: If you
have a “NULL” condition, no conditions following that one will display.
  Critical: When the game displays goals on-screen  (G key), it will display them in the
order they are listed on this screen. If you check one as Critical, it will be pushed to the
top of the list.
  Score - When a win or lose condition is met, the player will be awarded however many
points you enter into this box. Win scores are added to the total and Lose points are
subtracted (don’t put a negative number)
Bonus Expiration: The player receives a bonus for getting through a map in a timely fashion.
This number represents the number of minutes from the mission start to where their bonus finally
counts down to zero. If you leave this set to 0, the default is 15.
Max Saved Games: Limits the number of allowed saves during your mission.
Mission Overrides:
Water Level - You can raise and lower the water level in your mission (measured in 1/2
meters) to drastically alter the terrain. We recommend that you do not go over 130 for most maps
or the entire mission may take place underwater.
Fog Distance - If you want fog in the mission, select its level here. The fog-value
represents the distance (in meters) you are able to see before the fog completely thickens and
blocks all vision.  For example, a fog value of 200 will allow the player to see 200m, but not any
further.  Valid ranges are from 0-2000.  0 means disable (no fog).  A fog value of 1 will produce
the most fog (player will see only fog).  Most mission fog-values are from 200-500m.
Fog Color - You can alter the color of the fog by manually setting the Red, Green and
Blue settings. Fog is best when Gray (50,50,50).
Other examples of fog colors:
Bright Red = 255,0,0
Yellow = 0,100,100
Medium Green = 0,120,0
Black = 0,0,0
Dark Blue = 0,0,25
White = 255,255,255
NOTE: Be sure to click the box next to each selection to enable it.