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Delta Force – Black Hawk Down Mission Editor Manual – Copyright Novalogic 2003
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Item Attribute Definitions
Social Security Number (SSN): The tool automatically sets this number when an item is placed.
It represents the item number of the unit. Every unit gets a SSN. The SSN can also be used to
trigger an event that happens to, or because of, a specific unit. NOTE: Though the “Start, Player”
marker will have its own SSN, the player’s character in the game has a special SSN of 10000,
though in most cases the word “Player” has replaced the number. The player is also its own group
called “Blue Player”.
Graphic Name: This is the actual file name for the chosen asset.
Layer: All units belong to a layer. Selecting an appropriate layer will help you to better organize
the mission. See Section 4 for more information on Layers.
Position: These are the precise coordinates of where you placed the unit on the map. East = -X,
West = X, North = Y, South = -Y, Above Ground/Sea Level = Z, Below Ground/Sea Level = -Z
Be sure to properly set the Height (Z value) if you want to put objects on top of other objects (like
soldiers in towers). You will likely need to adjust the second Z number to precisely place objects
on tables and crates as well.
Absolute Height: With Absolute Height on, the Z value indicates height above sea level. With
Absolute Height off, the Z value indicates height above or below the actual terrain at that spot.
Lock: This function will lock an item’s Z value regardless of the terrain you try to set it upon.
Facing: This is used to change the direction an item is facing. It can be set from 0 to 360 degrees,
with 0 representing north, 90 representing east, 180 representing south and 270 representing west.
Pitch is the degree the object is pitched forward or backwards; something pitched at 90 will be
pointed straight up rather than forward.
Remove if:  This is used to remove units from the game in multiplayer co-op missions. For
example: If a 4 is placed in the Remove If Less Than… field, that particular unit would only
appear in that mission if more than four player were in the multiplayer game. This helps adjust
Spin Map Color Override: If you wish to alter the color a unit appears on the spin map, or make
it invisible on the map, choose the color here. This is often used when you set enemy units
temporarily to a different team, but don’t want the player to notice.
AI Textfile - Chooses how the item will act. Each object should have an AI file designed and
named for it. Make sure your Sub-type and AI text files match or they may not act properly.
Group: You can name groups whatever you want by clicking on Edit in the top left corner of the
tool and then clicking on Group. Units in the same group will follow the same waypoints, follow
the same orders, and be considered multiple part of one entity.
Team: This designates good guys, bad guys and the neutrals. Red will target/attack blue and
vice-versa whether marked as goals or not.
Alert State - Selects the item’s initial alert status. This status can be changed through the use of
events and area triggers.
Weapon Accuracy 1 and 2: This number represents how well the unit shoots on their first
couple of shots and then on subsequent shots. Lousy shots are 10 and under, good shots are
around 30, great shots are anything over 50. However, anyone will hit fairly quickly at close
range. Also, the longer someone continuously fires at a target, the more accurate they will get.
Fire Timer: This number determines how many seconds the unit will spend firing at a target
before attempting another action such as changing targets or running.
Spawns (WP Pause): This has a dual purpose. When applied to a character, this is the number of
times they will respawn at their original start point after being killed. When applied to a
waypoint, this is how long units will pause at that spot before moving on.
Max Attack Distance: determines how close an enemy must approach before the selected item
will begin the shoot at an enemy.