Macromedia flash media server 2-server-side actionscript language reference Benutzerhandbuch

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Server Management ActionScript Language Reference
Flash Media Server has six server configuration files: Server.xml, Users.xml, Logger.xml, 
Adaptor.xml, Vhost.xml, and Application.xml. Depending on your permissions, you can get 
configuration keys for all these files, as described in the following list:
"/" specifies Server.xml. 
"Users" specifies Users.xml for server administrators.
"Logger" specifies Logger.xml.
"Adaptor:<adaptor_name>" specifies Adaptor.xml. The <adaptor_name> is the name of 
the adaptor. You must have server administrator privileges to access this file. If 
<adaptor_name> is not the name of the adaptor the caller is connected to, the call fails.
"Adaptor:<adaptor_name>/VHost:<vhost_name>" specifies VHost.xml.  <vhost_name> 
is the name of the vhost of interest. If <adaptor_name> is not the name of the adaptor the 
caller is connected to, or <vhost_name> is not the name of the vhost that the caller is 
connected to, the call fails.
"Adaptor:<adaptor_name>/VHost:<vhost_name>/Users.xml" specifies Users.xml for 
vhost administrators.
"Adaptor:<adaptor_name>/VHost:<vhost_name>/App[:<app_name>]" specifies 
Application.xml. If no <app_name> is specified, the default Application.xml file is 
assumed. Otherwise, the application-specific Application.xml for the specified application 
is used. If the specified application is not defined, or the application does not have an 
application-specific Application.xml file, the call fails.
If the call succeeds, the server sends a reply information object with a 
 property of 
, a 
 property of 
, and a 
 property that is an 
XML string for the specified tag.
If the specified tag is a leaf node, returns the tag data. Otherwise, returns the tag itself. For 
example, if the desired tag is 
, returns 
. However, if the desired tag 
contains child tags such as 
, returns 
If the call fails (that is, if the specified configuration key isn’t found), the server returns an 
empty string.
To determine the adaptor or virtual host to which you’re connected, call the 