Macromedia flash media server 2-server-side actionscript language reference Benutzerhandbuch

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Server Management ActionScript Language Reference
if (arguments.length < 2) {
trace("ERROR! you need to supply a text object to output to");
if (arguments.length < 3)
tabLevel = 0;
for (var prop in obj) {
for (var i = 0; i < tabLevel; i++) // insert requested # of tab 
destination.text += "\t";
destination.text += prop + " = " + obj[prop] + newline;
if (typeof (obj[prop]) == "object") { // recursively call printObj
printObj(obj[prop], destination, tabLevel+1 );
// Alerts you if there are errors connecting to the = 
function(info) {
if (info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
trace("Connected! The call should work")
} else {
// Use nc.isConnected to test condition of server
if (! nc.isConnected) 
trace("NO netConnection to server. Call will not work");