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Contact Wilson Electronics Technical Support Team with any questions at 866-294-1660   
or email: tech@wilsonelectronics.com. Hours: 7 am to 6 pm MST.
Lightning protection is recommended for all installations  
(sold separately part #859902) . Take extreme care to  
ensure that neither you nor the antenna comes near any  
electric power lines .
Selecting a Direction for the Outside Antenna
Select a location on the roof of the building to install the Outside Antenna . Use 
a cell phone in test mode to find the strongest signal from the cell tower (see 
below for more information) . To get the strongest signal possible, it is very 
important to set up your Outside Antenna properly . The Inside and the Outside 
Antenna must be mounted in such a way that they are able to pick up the best 
possible cell signal on the outside of the building and provide the best possible 
signal on the inside of the building . Mount the Outside Antenna as high as 
possible facing the cell tower in an area with the best possible signal coverage . 
Note: Never point the front of a Directional Antenna toward the Inside  
Antenna. See Figures 1 & 2 on page 10.
Installing Lightning Protection
(sold separately)
Install the 
Lightning Surge 
Protector (LSP) close to the Signal 
Booster .  Attach the cable from 
the Outside Antenna to the surge 
protector, using a short length of low 
loss cable; attach one end to the 
LSP and the other to the Outside 
Antenna connector on the Signal 
Booster . Ensure the LSP is properly 
grounded (ground wire not included) . 
Visit www.WilsonElectronics.com
or contact Wilson Electronics Sales 
Team at 800-204-4104 .
Finding the Strongest Signal
When installing your Signal Booster’s Outside Antenna, aiming it towards 
the best signal source from you service provider is important .  The best way 
of getting the strongest signal is to have one person on the roof to rotate 
the Outside Antenna, which is connected to the Signal Booster . Turning the 
Outside Antenna about 45 degrees at a time, while the second person is 
watching the signal strength on the phone inside the building . This allows 
you to read the signal strength from the cell tower .  It is preferable to have 
Surge Protector
(sold separately)
Signal Booster
Surge Protector
Power Strip recommended for all AC power supplies
Ground Wire
(not included)
To Outside
To Inside