Microsoft Corporation RA-4 Benutzerhandbuch

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5 — Application. To open an application from 
, select the application, and press 
 or the enter key.
6 — Indicator area. The indicator area shows application and system-related information.
Multipage dialog
1 — Dialog pages. You can move from one page to another by pressing the menu key.
2 — Selection list. You can view different options in a selection list, and select one of them.
3 — Command buttons. You can use the command buttons to perform functions on a dialog page, or in a selection list.
If there is more than one frame on the display, the selected frame is always highlighted. You can move between the frames
by pressing the tab key.
Switching between open applications
To switch between open applications, press Menu, select 
, and select the application. You can also close applications in the
application list.
Tip: Press Chr+the tab key to switch between open applications. Press Chr+the tab key again to move in the list.
About the display
A small number of missing, discolored, or bright dots may appear on the screen. This is a characteristic of this type of display.
Some displays may contain pixels or dots that remain on or off. This is normal, not a fault.
About the Menu key
The communicator keyboard has a Menu key. Press the Menu key to access the various menu options. The options available
depend on the application you are in. The chosen option affects the item that is currently selected or open. In multipage
dialogs you can use the Menu key to move from one page to another.
Scrolling and making selections
Use the arrow keys or the joystick to move the cursor and make selections on the communicator interface.
Scrolling on the communicator interface
There are four separate arrow keys that you can use for scrolling. Scrolling means that you move up, down, left and right in
the application groups on Desk, in an application, in the text, or in the Menu. The joystick functions similarly to the arrow
keys, but you can also press the joystick down to open files or perform the function of an underlined command button.
Making selections
To select text left of the cursor, press and hold the Shift key, and press the left arrow key until you have selected the text. To
select text right of the cursor, press and hold the Shift key, and press the right arrow key until you have selected the text.
To select different items, such as messages, files, or contacts, press the arrow keys up, down, left or right to scroll to the item
you want.
To select items one by one, scroll to the first item, press and hold the Ctrl key, scroll to the next item, and press space bar to
select it.
To select an object in a file, for example an attachment in a document, move the cursor onto the object so that square
markers appear on each side of the object.
To select a cell in a worksheet, move the cursor to the cell you want. To select an entire row, move the cursor to the first cell
of the first column on that row, and press Shift+the left arrow key. To select an entire column, move the cursor to the first
cell of the column you want to select, and press Shift+the up arrow key.
Common actions in several applications
You can find the following actions in several applications:
To change the profile, press Menu, select 
, and scroll to the profile you want. To modify the profile settings, such as the
ringing tones, select the profile and press 
To activate a profile for a certain time, press Menu, select 
, and select the desired profile. Press 
, and set the time (up
to 24 hours) when you want the profile setting to end. When the end time is reached, the previous profile, which was not
timed, becomes active.
To save a file, press Menu, and select 
. There are different save options depending on the application you use.
G e t t i n g   s t a r t e d
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