Digi International Inc XBEEPRO2 Benutzerhandbuch

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XBee®/XBee‐PRO® ZB RF Modules 
© 2011 Digi International, Inc.
  0x7E  0x00  0x16  0x10  0x01  0x00  0x7D  0x33  0xA2  0x00  0x40  0x0A  0x01  0x27  
  0xFF  0xFE  0x00  0x00  0x54  0x78  0x44  0x61  0x74  0x61  0x30  0x41  0x7D  0x33
The checksum is calculated (on all non-escaped bytes) as [0xFF - (sum of all bytes from API frame type through 
data payload)]. 
Example: Send a transmission to the coordinator without specifying the coordinator's 64-bit address. The API 
transmit request frame should look like:
0x7E  0x00  0x16  0x10  0x01  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0xFF  0xFE 0x00  0x00  0x54  
0x78  032  0x43  0x6F  0x6F  0x72  0x64  0xFC
Where 0x16 = length (22 bytes excluding checksum)
       0x10 = ZigBee Transmit Request API frame type 
          0x01 = Frame ID (set to non-zero value)
          0x0000000000000000 = Coordinator's address (can be replaced with coordinator's actual 64-bit address 
if known
          0xFFFE = 16-bit Destination Address
          0x00 = Broadcast radius
          0x00 = Options
          0x547832436F6F7264 = Data payload ("Tx2Coord")
          0xFC = Checksum
Explicit Addressing ZigBee Command Frame 
Frame Type: 0x11
Allows ZigBee application layer fields (endpoint and cluster ID) to be specified for a data transmission.
Similar to the ZigBee Transmit Request, but also requires ZigBee application layer addressing fields to be 
specified (endpoints, cluster ID, profile ID). An Explicit Addressing Request API frame causes the module to 
send data as an RF packet to the specified destination, using the specified source and destination endpoints, 
cluster ID, and profile ID.
The 64-bit destination address should be set to 0x000000000000FFFF for a broadcast transmission (to all 
devices). The coordinator can be addressed by either setting the 64-bit address to all 0x00s and the 16-bit 
address to 0xFFFE, OR by setting the 64-bit address to the coordinator's 64-bit address and the 16-bit address 
to 0x0000. For all other transmissions, setting the 16-bit address to the correct 16-bit address can help improve 
performance when transmitting to multiple destinations. If a 16-bit address is not known, this field should be 
set to 0xFFFE (unknown). The Transmit Status frame (0x8B) will indicate the discovered 16-bit address, if 
The broadcast radius can be set from 0 up to NH. If set to 0, the value of NH specifies the broadcast radius 
(recommended). This parameter is only used for broadcast transmissions.
The maximum number of payload bytes can be read with the NP command. Note: if source routing is used, the 
RF payload will be reduced by two bytes per intermediate hop in the source route.