Given Imaging Limited PATENCYSCANNER Benutzerhandbuch

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Given Imaging Ltd.
The M2A Patency Examination includes the following:
• Preparing the patient
• Preparing the system components
• Detection/functionality test
• Dispensing the capsule
• Releasing the patient
• Interference testing 
• Scanning of the abdominal area with the Scanner
Preparing the Patient
Once it is decided that the patient should undergo M2A Patency Examination, 
verify that the patient does not have any contraindications and obtain the patient’s 
informed consent. 
Inform the patient that the M2A Patency examination involves the following:
• Ingesting the M2A Patency Capsule. The capsule will pass naturally through the 
patient’s digestive system.
• Recording the time of bowel movements following the ingestion of the M2A 
Patency Capsule.
• Returning to your office after 2 days (48–72 hours) to check whether capsule was 
• If required, undergoing an X-ray or fluoroscopy to detect the location of the M2A 
Patency Capsule or RFID tag.
Inform the patient in writing and verbally that the following is required to achieve 
accurate results:
A week before M2A Patency Examination
• During check-in, the patient will be asked about the pattern of his/her bowel 
movements. Therefore, it is important to make note of the frequency of the bowel 
movements about a week before the examination.
• The patient must prepare a list of currently taken medication.
• After lunch one day before the examination, the patient must start a liquid diet 
prescribed by the physician. From 10 p.m. on, the patient is to abstain from eating 
or drinking except for necessary medication with a sip of water.