Digital Security Controls Ltd. 01LC906 Benutzerhandbuch

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Fire Safety In The Home
Most fires occur in the home, and to minimize this danger, it is
recommended that a household fire safety audit be conducted and
a family escape plan be developed.
Household Fire Safety Audit
1 Are all electrical appliances and outlets in a safe condition?
Check for frayed cords, overloaded lighting circuits, etc. If you
are uncertain about the condition of your electrical appliances or
household service, have a professional evaluation.
2 Are all flammable liquids stored safely in closed containers in a
cool, well ventilated area? Cleaning with flammable liquids
should be avoided.
3 Are hazardous materials such as matches out of the reach of
4 Are furnaces and wood burning appliances properly installed,
clean and in good working order?  If in doubt, have a professional
Family Escape Planning
There is often very little time between the detection of a fire and the
time it becomes deadly. Because of this, it is very important that a
family escape plan be developed and rehearsed.
1 Every family member should participate in developing the
escape plan.
2 Study the possible escape routes from each location within the
house. Since many fires occur at night, special attention should
be given to the escape routes from sleeping quarters.
3 It is essential that escape from a bedroom be possible without
opening the interior door. Consider the following when making
your escape plans:
• Make sure that doors and windows that open to the outside are
easily opened. Ensure that they are not painted shut, and that
their locking mechanisms operate smoothly.
• If opening the exit or using the exit is too difficult for children, the
elderly or handicapped, plans for rescue should be developed.
This includes making sure that those who are to perform the
rescue can promptly hear the fire warning signal.
• If the exit is above the ground level, an approved fire ladder or
rope should be provided, as well as training in its use.
• Exits on the ground level should be kept clear. Be sure to remove
snow from exterior patio doors in winter; outdoor furniture or
equipment should not block exits.
• The family should have a predetermined assembly point where
everyone can be accounted for; for example, across the street or
at a neighbour’s house.
• Once everyone is out of the house, call the Fire Department.
• A good plan emphasizes quick escape. Do not investigate first
or attempt to fight the fire, and do not attempt to rescue belongings
or valuables as this takes up time. Once outside, do not re-enter
the house; wait for the fire department.
• Write the plan down and rehearse frequently so that should an
emergency arise, everyone will know what to do. Revise the plan
as conditions change; for example, when there are more or fewer
family members in the home, or if there are changes to the house.
• Make sure your fire warning system is operational by conducting
weekly tests. If you are unsure about system operation, contact
your smoke detector installer or dealer.
• It is recommended that you contact your local fire department
and request further information on home fire safety and escape
planning. If available, have your local fire prevention officer
conduct an in-house fire safety inspection.
Enrolling a WLS906
On the back of the smoke detector housing, there will be a five digit
and/or six digit serial number. Please refer to your receiver installation
manual for information on which serial number should be enrolled.
NOTE: If using a WLS900 system, you must use the 5 digit serial
Installation Instructions
Operating Voltage
...................... 9V (six AA  alkaline batteries)
Smoke Sensitivity
.................................................. 2.3±0.5 %/ft
Ambient Installation Operating Range
...................................................... 32°F - 100°F / 0°C - 37.8°C
............................................... 5% - 95% RH, non-condensing
Field Test
............ Magnet-activated reed switch or pushbutton
............................. and Gemini 501 Smoke Detector Analyser
Battery Installation
Remove the mounting plate from the detector by pushing the
locking tab and turning the mounting plate counter-clockwise.
Hold the unit with the battery compartment facing you, and the
imprinted wording right-side up. Install the first two batteries in the
row nearest to you, with the + terminals facing left. Next, install the
middle two batteries with the + terminals facing to the right. Place
your thumb over the centre of these four batteries to keep them in
place. Install the last two batteries, with their + terminals facing
to the left, by snapping them past the nylon retainer.
Use six AA Alkaline Energizer E91, or Duracell MN1500 batteries.
Do not use other brands of batteries for the smoke detector.
Using brands other than the Energizer E91 or Duracell MN1500
may affect the operation of the system. Batteries may be
purchased in supermarkets and hardware stores.