Wiley Professional Ruby on Rails 978-0-470-22388-8 Benutzerhandbuch

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Chapter 1: Building Resources
fancy graphics. For the moment, though, all it has is the standard Rails application structure, which you 
should see in your command window after you execute the following command:
rails -d mysql soupsonline 
If you leave off the -d mysql, then your application will be created to use SQLite3, which is the new Rails 
default. The database can be changed later in developemnt. In response, Rails will create a standard 
application structure:
create  app/controllers
create  app/helpers
create  app/models
[... several creations skipped ...]
create  log/server.log
create  log/production.log
create  log/development.log
create  log/test.log 
  The examples in this book were written and tested against Ruby 1.8.6 and Rails 2.0.2. Ruby 1.9 has not 
been released as of this writing, but is expected shortly.    
  A Recipe for Recipes 
 There are two useful places to start when planning a Rails application: 
  You can start from the front - end and move backwards by thinking about what actions or 
activities your users will perform in the site.  
  You can start from the back - end and move forwards by thinking about what kind of data you 
will need to be storing.    
 The two directions feed back and forth on each other, of course, and there ’ s no particularly correct way 
to go about site design. Rails is extremely good at supporting incremental development, so starting in 
one small place and gradually increasing functionality is a perfectly valid design process. 
 For the purposes of the book, I ’ d like to start with a brief description of user activities, but work in 
earnest with the initial data structure and administrative side, catching up with the user activities in 
future chapters. For me, at least, since Rails is so good at quick - and - easy data creation support, it feels 
more direct to start with that part, get some quick success under my belt, and then start designing the 
front end with some actual data to look at. 
 So,  here ’ s a quick description of user activities. Soups OnLine is intended to start as a recipe repository, 
where users can upload recipes, find recipes that match various categories or criteria, and comment on 
recipes. More advanced uses might include the capability to make and receive recommendations, 
information about various techniques or ingredients, and the capability to purchase equipment, 
ingredients, or even premade soup. 
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