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Viking™ VP600 Portable Radio Operating Manual
Conventional Mode Features
5.15.4 Viewing Previously Received Messages
To view previously received messages:
Press and hold the text message button, or select the text message menu item, and select 
“View Msg”. The display will show “Message 1”, which is the most recent message 
Use the up/down buttons to move through the list to the desired message.
To view the message text, press 
If you wish to reply to the message, refer to paragraph Section, "Replying to a 
Received Text Message".
Text messages are retained only while the radio is powered up. If power is removed, all 
text message data is lost.
5.16 Fire Ground Mode
Fire Ground Mode allows any radio optioned for Fire Ground Commander Mode to 
operate in Fire Commander Mode, and any subscriber optioned for Fire Ground First 
Responder mode to run in Fire Responder Mode. A radio can be programmed for both 
modes; however, the radio can only operate in one of the modes at a time. The user must 
exit the current mode to enter the opposite mode. Limited Fire Ground First Responder 
options are available on P25 Trunking and SmartNet/SmartZone channels. The Fire 
Commander Mode is limited to the Conventional System. If the Fire Ground Channel is 
not a Conventional channel and the user tries to enter Commander Mode on that channel, 
the radio will bad beep. The only Fire Mode feature currently offered on the P25Trunking 
and Smartnet/Smartzone protocols is the Lock Keypad/Volume option.
The intended set up is to have one radio running in Fire Commander Mode, and remain 
outside the emergency site. The remaining radios operating at, and inside, the emergency 
site should operate in Fire Responder Mode. The Fire Commander can issue Evacuation 
Alerts to notify the First Responders they must evacuate. The Fire First Responders can 
perform a Communication Check to determine their signal strength to ensure they are in 
range of the Fire Commander.
Each radio can be programmed for up to four Fire Commander buttons (Fire Commander 
1 through Fire Commander 4), and up to four Fire First Responder buttons (Fire 
Responder 1 through Fire Responder 4). Each Fire Mode can be selectively programmed 
for specific Fire Commander and Fire Responder options. Each Fire Mode can also be 
programmed to operate on a designated channel or the current selected channel. If a 
designated channel is chosen, the radio will automatically switch to the designated 
channel when that Fire Mode is entered.