Wiley Professional SQL Server 2005 XML 978-0-7645-9792-3 Benutzerhandbuch

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The inclusion of the CLR (Common Language Runtime) in SQL Server 2005 further strengthens the
importance of understanding the XML technology from both sides, server and client. While the primary
focus of this book is the support of XML in SQL Server 2005, a small handful of chapters focus on uncov-
ering and understanding XML support in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework, and more important, how
to utilize this technology in conjunction with SQL Server 2005 XML to get the most power and efficiency
out of your application.
The entire goal of XML in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework boils down to a handful of priorities, with
performance and W3C compliance at the top of the list. These are immediately followed by topics such
as ease of use, or pluggable, meaning that the components are based on classes in the .NET Framework
that can be easily substituted. Also included in the list is tighter integration with ADO.NET, which
allows for datasets to read and write XML using the 
This chapter outlines some of the major feature enhancements made to the System.xml namespace in
version 2.0 of the .NET Framework. If you look at all the changes made to the System.xml namespace,
that list could possibly take up a very large portion of a book. The goal of this chapter, however, is to
highlight the handful of significant changes that you will most likely use on a day-to-day basis to help
improve your XML experience.
System.xml Version 2.0 Enhancements and
New Features
The following list contains the System.xml enhancements that are covered in this chapter:
Type support
XML query architecture
, and 
Ideally, this list would include XQuery support. Unfortunately, in a January 2005 MSDN article,
Microsoft announced that it would be pulling client-side XQuery support in version 2.0 of the .NET
Framework. While the pains of realization set in, their reasons are justifiable. The main reason for
pulling XQuery support was for the simple reason of timing. XQuery has yet to become a W3C recom-
mendation and since it has not yet, this opens XQuery up for some changes. This put Microsoft in the
peculiar situation of trying to meet the requests of its customers while trying to keep with future com-
patibility. Microsoft did not want to support a technology that could possibly change. That is not to say,
however, that you won’t ever see support for client-side XQuery. Microsoft’s goal is to add it back in
once XQuery has reached recommendation — which I hope will happen quickly.
Time to dig right in. The following section deals with arguably the most important enhancement to ver-
sion 2.0 of the .NET Framework: performance.
Chapter 1
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