Cobra Electronics Corporation 18WXSTII Benutzerhandbuch

Seite von 16
4Co n n e ct the red lead of DC power co rd to an
a c ce s s o ry 12 volt fuse.
5Co n n e ct the orange lead to a co n s t a nt 12v fuse
( i e :c i g a re t te lighter or dire ct to bat te ry )
6Co n n e ct the black lead to the negat i ve side of
the auto m o b i l e. This is usually the chassis. Any
co nve n i e nt location with good elect ri cal co nt a ct
( re m ove paint) may be used.
7Mo u nt the microphone bra c ket on ri g ht side of
the tra n s ce i ver or near it using two scre ws sup-
p l i e d.When mounting in an auto m o b i l e, p l a ce
the bra c ket under the dash so the micro p h o n e
is readily acce s s i b l e.
8Attach the 4-pin microphone cable to recepta-
cle on front of unit and install unit in bracket-
Mounting and
Before installing the CB radio,
visually check the vehicle bat-
tery connections to determine
which battery terminal, posi-
tive or negative (positive is the
larger of the two) is grounded
to the engine block 
(or chassis).
O p e r a t i o n
Mo u nting and Co n n e ct i o n s
Se l e ct a location for the tra n s ce i ver and micro-
phone bra c ket that is co nve n i e nt for ope rat i o n .
In auto m o b i l e s, the tra n s ce i ver is usually mounte d
to the undern e ath of the dash panel, with the
m i c rophone bra c ket beside it.
1Hold the radio with mounting bra c ket in the
ex a ct location desire d. Re m ove the mount i n g
b ra c ket and use it as a te m p l ate to mark the
l ocation for the mounting scre ws.
2Drill nece s s a ry holes and secure mount i n g
b ra c ket in locat i o n .
3Co n n e ct the antenna cable plug to the re ce p t a-
cle marked “A N T” on the back of the unit.
Mounting and
The transceiver is held in the
universal mounting bracket by
two thumb screws, permitting
adjustment at the most conve-
nient angle.
A universal mounting bracket
is supplied along with self tap -
ping screws and star washers.
To mount the transceiver:
O p e r a t i o n
CB Transceiver
 18 WX ST.NEW LAYOUT(4279)2a  8/9/00  4:25 PM  Page 2