RM Acquisition LLC 01006A Benutzerhandbuch

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Manage My Logbook 
DriverConnect User Guide 
© 2017, Rand McNally, Inc. 
Accept or Reject an Edited Log 
Your Fleet Manager has the ability to edit your logs from the 
DriverConnect portal, if necessary, and then send the edited log back 
for you to accept or reject. Only certified logs can be edited on the 
portal. Only On Duty, Off Duty, and Sleeper Berth time can be edited. 
Your Fleet Manager cannot overwrite existing driving time. 
Note: Even though a manager can 
update your logs, you (the driver) are 
still responsible
 for making sure your 
logs are accurate. 
If you accept your Fleet Manager’s 
changes, then the changes made will 
overwrite the entries you made. If 
you reject the changes, your original 
entries will remain. 
1. When one of your logs has been 
edited, a “Log edit(s) pending” 
notification displays in the 
Logs with pending changes display 
with an orange tab to the left of 
the date and summary. 
2. Tap an edited log to continue.