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setting must be identical with your 802.1x 
authentication server. 
Username / Identity / 
Domain / Password 
Please input 802.1x related authentication 
information here. 
If certification is required to authenticate 
with 802.1x authentication server, please 
select a local certificate from dropdown list. 
Check this box and PAC (Privilege Access 
Certificate) will be automatically selected. 
When all required parameters are set, click ‘OK’ to create and 
save a new profile. 
3.1.2 Remove an existing profile 
When you no longer need an existing profile, you can remove it. 
If you want to remove a profile, click ‘Profile’ menu, then select 
an existing profile which you wish to remove, and then click 
Remove’ button. 
3.1.3 Edit an existing profile 
If you have added a profile before, and you wish to change the 
content of the profile, you can use this function. Please select a 
profile from the list first, then click ‘Edit’ button. You’ll be provided 
with the contents of selected profile, and you can edit them. Click 
OK’ to save changes, or click ‘Cancel’ to discard changes.