AscenKorea Inc. AKN Benutzerhandbuch

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D. After moving the location, to get stable data at that point at least 1
    minutes data receiving.
E. To get good value of position, GNSS should be located plat and stable
F. To get accurate position, GNSS should be located where open sky and
    no buildings area.
AKN connection at a place to be avoided
Concentrations buildings
In the indoor space
A. You can turn on when press “Power” button. 
 - When you press the “Power” button, the green and yellow LED 
    turned on. When you release the “Power” button, AKN Series sound 
    deep after 1 second. 
 - When AKN Series turned on, it blink one time all of LED then GNSS
   and BT LED turned on except others.
B. You can choose type of output like WiFi or BT the “Mode” button.
    (You can change output type, whenever press “Mode” button,
    mode will be changed Wifi→Serial→BT)
C. AKN Series LED is turned on according to GNSS fix type.
    (Please refer the table “GNSS fix type”)
D. You can use survey program such as GNSS view and others after
     position fix. 
How to use
There is a built-in battery in this device
Power Status
Positioning time
10 minutes
1 minutes
After power on the AKN 
Series when survey
AKN Series has been turned 
on and fixed position then 
survey other location
Turn On
Turn On
1. To survey exactly using AKN Series, it needs some initialiging
    time.(for system booting, receiving GNSS information, 
    Calculating precise position) 
2. To get good GNSS signal, you should survey at the plat and 
    high location
- If GNSS is shaken, it can cause errors in the survey.
ⷄ According the environment of receiving, performance may be
ⷄTo get good value of position, you should survey under the 
     clear sky view area.
It is possible to get fast position if GNSS turn on in advance
How to check the value of position via PC
Use RS232 cable (Default)
1. Connect power and data cables to the device(PC or PDA)
5. Baud Rate is set 9600 bps
4. You can see value of position using test program
    (GPS view software)
3. Check the COM port number on the PC
   (Control Panel - System - Device Manager - Port)
2. Turn on the “power” and check the LED
    (It will be turned on green[battery] and yellow[status] LED)
AKN Panal