Filemaker Pro 8.5 Advanced Maintenance TG761Z/A Benutzerhandbuch

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236     FileMaker Functions Reference
Unit of measure
In Browse and Layout modes, you can set the unit of measure to pixels, inches, or 
Unstored calculation
A calculation field with a result that is only calculated when the value is needed, for 
example, to browse or print. In most cases, FileMaker Pro makes a field stored when you 
define it, but you can change the storage type to unstored. 
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
A web address, which consists of a protocol, a host name, and optionally a port, a 
directory, and a filename. For example, ,
myfiles/, or fmp7://
Value list
To save time and ensure accuracy during data entry, define frequently used text, number, 
date, or time values as a value list. When you enter data, you can choose from the list of 
defined values.
You can format value lists to display in a drop-down list or pop-up menu, or as checkboxes 
or option (radio) buttons. The values in a value list can be user-defined or based on the 
values in a field in the same file or in a different file. You can also define relationships for 
use with value lists, to access and display particular related values. Another option is to 
use a value list from another file.
In a calculation, a symbol or name that represents a value. Use the Set Variable script 
step to specify the name, value, and repetition of the variable. Names prefixed by $ are 
local variables available only within the current script. Prefix the name with $$ to make the 
variable available throughout the current file (global). Local and global variables can have 
the same name but they are treated as different variables.
An arrangement of your data primarily useful for onscreen manipulation. In Browse mode, 
Find mode, or Preview mode, View as Form displays individual records, View as List 
displays records in a list, and View as Table displays records in a spreadsheet-like table 
In FileMaker Pro Instant Web Publishing, views are web pages for working with your 
database in a web browser.