Datalogic Magellan 1100i MG118010-000 Merkblatt

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deCOding CaPaBility
1D / Linear CoDes 
Autodiscriminates all standard 1D codes including GS1 
DataBar™ linear codes.
2D CoDes 
Aztec Code, Data Matrix, MaxiCode, QR Code
staCkeD CoDes 
GS1 DataBar Composites; GS1 DataBar Composites; GS1 
DataBar Expanded Stacked; GS1 DataBar Stacked; GS1 DataBar 
Stacked omnidirectional; Micro PDF417, PDF417
operating (Typical): < 400 mA
Standby/Idle (Typical): < 300 mA
input VoLtage 
4.5 - 14.0 VDC
ambient Light 
Indoor: 0 to 6,000 lux; outdoor: 0 to 86,100 lux
Drop resistanCe 
Withstands repeated drops from 1.2 m / 4.0 ft onto a concrete 
esD proteCtion (air DisCharge) 
25 kV
humiDity (non-ConDensing) 
5 - 95%
partiCuLate anD Water seaLing 
operating: 0 to 40 °C / 32 to 104 °F
Storage/Transport: -40 to 70 °C / -40 to 158 °F
IBM 46xx; Keyboard Wedge; oEM (IBM) USB; RS-232; USB
OPtiOnal Features
eas features 
Checkpoint Systems: Integrated EAS hardware will work with 
Counterpoint IX and Evolve D11 models
Sensormatic: Good Read Acknowledgement
VaLue aDDeD features 
Diagnostic Reporting; Host Download; Productivity Index 
Reporting™ (PIR)
PhysiCal CharaCteristiCs
CoLors aVaiLabLe 
Black; Grey; other colors and custom logo options are available 
for minimum quantity purchase.
Riser Stand: 5.9 x 7.6 x 9.7 cm / 2.3 x 3.0 x 3.8 in
Scanner: 8.4 x 7.1 x 9.4 cm / 3.3 x 2.8 x 3.7 in
Riser Stand: 187.1 g / 6.6 oz
Scanner: 198.5 g / 7.0 oz
reading PerFOrmanCe
image Capture 
optional: 752 x 480 pixels; Graphic Formats: JPEG
print Contrast ratio (minimum)  25%
reaD rate (maximum) 
1,768 digital scan lines/sec.
reaDing angLe 
Pitch: +/- 65°; Roll (Tilt): 0 - 360°; Skew (Yaw): +/- 75°
reaDing inDiCators 
Beeper (Adjustable Tone and Volume); Datalogic ‘Green Spot’ 
Good Read Feedback; Good Read LED
resoLution (maximum) 
0.130 mm / 5 mils
sCan Lines 
Digital: 136
reading ranges
typiCaL Depth of fieLD 
Minimum distance determined by symbol length and scan 
Printing resolution, contrast, and ambient light dependent.
1d / linear Codes
5 mils: 1.3 to 4.6 cm / 0.5 to 1.8 in
7.5 mils: 0.63 to 5.71 cm / 0.25 to 2.25 in
10 mils: 0 to 12.7 cm / 0 to 5.0 in
13 mils UPC: 0 to 17.7 cm / 0 to 7.0 in
20 mils: 0 to 17.7 cm / 0 to 7.0 in
Optional Codes
6.6 mils PDF: 3.8 to 7.6 cm / 1.5 to 3.0 in
10 mils Data Matrix: 0 to 4.5 cm / 0 to 1.8 in
10 mils PDF: 3.1 to 15.2 cm / 1.2 to 6.0 in
15 mils PDF: 2.5 to 15.2 cm / 1.0 to 6.0 in
24 mils Data Matrix: 0 to 12.7 cm / 0 to 5.0 in
saFety & regulatOry
agenCy approVaLs 
The product meets necessary safety and regulatory approvals 
for its intended use.
The Quick Reference Guide for this product can be referred to 
for a complete list of certifications.
enVironmentaL CompLianCe 
Complies to EU RoHS
LeD CLassifiCation 
IEC 60825 Class 1 LED
opos / JaVapos 
JavaPoS Utilities are available for download at no charge.
oPoS Utilities are available for download at no charge.
remote host DoWnLoaD 
Lowers service costs and improves operations.
2-Year Factory Warranty
MAGELLAn™ 1100i
© 2009 - 2012 Datalogic ADC, Inc. • All rights reserved. • Protected to the fullest extent under U.S. and international laws. • Copying, or altering of this document is prohibited without express written consent from Datalogic ADC, 
Inc. • Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S. and the E.U.  and the Datalogic Automatic Data Capture logo is a trademark of Datalogic S.p.A.  • Magellan is 
a registered trademark of Datalogic ADC, Inc. in many countries, including the U.S. and the E.U.  •  illumix and Productivity Index Reporting are trademarks of Datalogic ADC, Inc. • All other brand and product names are trademarks 
of their respective owners. • DS-MAGELLAN800i-EN 201204018
•  11-0143  Flexible Gooseneck Stand, 
Black, 22.8 cm / 9.0 in 
•  11-0160  Flexible Gooseneck Stand, 
Grey, 22.8 cm / 9.0 in
•  11-0114  Riser Stand with Tilt Adjustment and 
Fixed Mounting Holes, Black, 6.0 cm / 2.4 in 
•  11-0115  Riser Stand with Tilt Adjustment and 
Fixed Mounting Holes, Grey, 6.0 cm / 2.4 in 
•  11-0116  Fixed Mounting Plate, Black
•  11-0117  Fixed Mounting Plate, Grey