Avaya IPO R9 BT RACE PLDS LIC 273904 Benutzerhandbuch

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Product Description
IP Office 9.0
© 2014 AVAYA All rights reserved.
Page 51
Issue 27.02.0 (Monday, January 06, 2014)
Station Message Detail Reporting (SMDR)
SMDR is a call reporting feature that provides records of call activity. It is commonly used in many types of
business, including Legal, Contact Centers, Sales and Real Estate. 
Call reporting information allows users
Detect any unauthorized calls.
Bill clients or projects.
Bill back by department.
Reduce telephone costs by identifying the need to change telecommunications services
Print Caller ID information.
The output is generally sent to a PC running an optional Call Accounting software package.
System Groups
The system supports the following types of groups:
Pickup Groups (4 Groups) (INTERCOM 6xx)
When a call rings at an extension assigned to a Pickup Group, a user at any other extension in the
system can answer the ringing call by dialing the Pickup Group code. The Pickup Group feature helps
when a user needs to answer calls on lines or pools not assigned to his or her telephone.
Calling Groups (4 Groups) (INTERCOM 7x / *7x)
A Calling Group is a group of extensions that can be called at the same time. Any user in the system
can ring or page all extensions in a Calling Group at the same time or transfer a call to a Calling
Group. The first extension to pick up the call is connected to the caller. A typical use of this feature is
to have callers ring into a Calling Group of sales representatives, or to create a “Page All” group. 
Hunt Groups (6 Groups) (INTERCOM 77G / *77G)
When extensions are in a Hunt Group, an incoming call searches or “hunts” for the first available
Night Service Group (1 Group) (#504)
When Night Service is activated and a call comes in, all extensions assigned to the Night Service
Group ring immediately, regardless of normal Line Ringing settings.
System Password
Allows you to define a four-digit password that users can enter from system telephones to override dialing
restrictions (if the extension has access to an outside line) or turn Night Service on and off. Not available on
analog telephones.
Transfer / Transfer Return
You can transfer calls to an extension or group using the TRANSFER button on a system telephone or the
switchhook on a single-line telephone.
Transferred calls return to the originating extension if they are not answered. You also can program the
number of times a transferred call rings before it returns to an extension.
Transfer Return to a Programmable Extension
This feature provides an option to re-route unanswered transferred calls to an alternate extension.
Programmable on a per extension basis.
The existing System Programming option, Transfer Return Rings, will be used to indicate when
transferred calls are returned to the Transfer Return extension.