Deutsche Telekom Tiptel 274 1082688 Benutzerhandbuch

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Answering machine 
Changing announcements remotely 
Changing the outgoing message 
Press 9 and then the required outgoing 
message 1 ... Press 3. 
The telephone asks you to speak. 
After recording the outgoing message 
press 8. 
The recording ends and the announcement 
is played back so that you can check it. 
The message is played back again for checking after you change or modify it. 
Your telephone will then ask you whether you are still on the line with the 
"Please quit" voice message. You must respond to this quit request within  
8 seconds by pressing any key otherwise the device breaks the connection. 
Remote activation of call forwarding 
Activating call forwarding 
Press * and 1 in succession 
The current call number is stated, see also 
“Call forwarding”. 
Press number 8 to cancel the function. 
The function is cancelled without being 
Press * and # in succession to 
execute the function. 
After ending the remote control you 
telephone switches call forwarding on. All 
new calls are forwarded to the new call 
Switching off the answering machine remotely 
Switching answering machine off 
Press * and 0 in succession. 
Your telephone disconnects and will not 
answer any more calls. 
Switching on answering machine remotely 
Call telephone. 
After 50 seconds the device answers with 
a beep. 
Enter the remote access code via the 
telephone keypad. Start entry with * 
and confirm with #. 
The greeting is played for checking. The 
device can be operated remotely (e.g. to 
record a greeting). After quitting the 
function your telephone will receive calls.