Lancom Systems 1781EW+ 62046 Benutzerhandbuch

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Hardware firewall throughput (max.)
930 Mbps
Content Filter (optional)
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Demo version
Worldwide, redundant rating servers from IBM Security Solutions for querying URL classifications. Database with over 100 million entries covering
about 10 billion web pages. Web crawlers automatically search and classify web sites to provide nearly 150,000 updates per day: They use text
classification by optical character recognition, key word searches, classification by word frequency and combinations, web-site comparison of text,
images and page elements, object recognition of special characters, symbols, trademarks and prohibited images, recognition of pornography and
nudity by analyzing the concentration of skin tones in images, by structure and link analysis, by malware detection in binary files and installation
URL filter database/rating server
Additional filtering of HTTPS requests with separate firewall entries
HTTPS filter
Filter rules can be defined in each profile by collecting category profiles from 58 categories, for example to restrict Internet access to business
purposes only (limiting private use) or by providing protection from content that is harmful to minors or hazardous content (e.g. malware sites).
Clearly structured selection due to the grouping of similar categories. Content for each category can be allowed, blocked, or released by override
Categories/category profiles
Each category can be given an optional manual override that allows the user to access blocked content on a case-by-case basis. The override
operates for a limited time period by allowing the category or domain, or a combination of both. Optional notification of the administrator in case
of overrides
Lists that are manually configured to explicitly allow (whitelist) or block (blacklist) web sites for each profile, independent of the rating server.
Wildcards can be used when defining groups of pages or for filtering sub pages
Timeframes, blacklists, whitelists and categories are collected into profiles that can be activated separately for content-filter actions. A default
profile with standard settings blocks racist, pornographic, criminal, and extremist content as well as anonymous proxies, weapons/military, drugs,
SPAM and malware
Timeframes can be flexibly defined for control over filtering depending on the time of day or weekday, e.g. to relax controls during break times for
private surfing
Time frames
Activation of the content filter by selecting the required firewall profile that contains content-filter actions. Firewall rules enable the flexible use of
your own profiles for different clients, networks or connections to certain servers
Flexible firewall action
Response pages displayed by the content filter in case of blocked sites, errors or overrides can be custom designed. Variables enable the inclusion
of current information such as the category, URL, and rating-server categorization. Response pages can be issued in any language depending on
the language set in the user's web browser
Individual display pages (for blocked, error,
As an alternative to displaying the device's own internal response pages to blockings, errors or overrides, you can redirect to external web servers
Redirection to external pages
Automatic notification of license expiry by e-mail, LANmonitor, SYSLOG or SNMP trap. Activation of license renewal at any time before expiry of
the current license (the new licensing period starts immediately after expiry of the current license)
License management
Display of the number of checked and blocked web pages by category in LANmonitor. Logging of all content-filter events in LANmonitor; log file
created daily, weekly or monthly. Hit list of the most frequently called pages and rating results. Analysis of the connection properties; minimum,
maximum and average rating-server response time
Messaging in case of content-filter events optionally by e-mail, SNMP, SYSLOG or LANmonitor
Wizard sets up the content filters for a range of typical scenarios in a few simple steps, including the creation of the necessary firewall rules with
the corresponding action
Wizard for typical configurations
Simultaneous checking of HTTP traffic for a maximum of 100 different IP addresses in the LAN
Max. users
The SIP ALG (Application Layer Gateway) acts as a proxy for SIP communication. For SIP calls the ALG opens the necessary ports on the firewall for
the corresponding media packets. By using automatic address translation for devices inside the LAN, the use of STUN is no longer needed.
Routing functions
IP and NetBIOS/IP multi-protocol router
Separate processing of 16 contexts due to virtualization of the routers. Mapping to VLANs and complete independent management and configuration
of IP networks in the device, i.e. individual settings for DHCP, DNS, Firewalling, QoS, VLAN, Routing etc. Automatic learning of routing tags for
ARF contexts from the routing table
Advanced Routing and Forwarding
HTTP and HTTPS server for configuration by web interface
DNS client, DNS server, DNS relay, DNS proxy and dynamic DNS client
DHCP client, DHCP relay and DHCP server with autodetection. Cluster of several LANCOM DHCP servers per context (ARF network) enables caching
of all DNS assignments at each router. DHCP forwarding to multiple (redundant) DHCP servers
NetBIOS/IP proxy
Features as of: LCOS 8.84