Emmerich ER 17335, 2/3 A Size 1900mAh Lithium Battery Cell 3.6V 651246 Datenbogen

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Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau
Item no.: 651246
Material Safety Data Sheet
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13. Disposal Considerations
Do not recharge, disassemble, short, or subjet battery cells to temperatures in excess of 212°F (= 100°C). Do not use in
combination with fresh and used lithium batteries neither with other type of battery.
14. Transport Information
International transport regulations:
1. International Air Transport Association (IATA) pursuant to PI 968 Section II.
2. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) pursuant to
Special Provisions A88, A99, A154 and A164
IATA Packing Instruction:
Section II of PI 968
The batteries pass the tests defined in UN model regulation section 38.3.
Such batteries transported in accordance with Section I of Packing Instruction 968 must e labeled with the „CARGO
If Li-SOCl
 batteries are used to construct battery packs, the assembler of that pack is responsible to ensure the battery has
been tested in accordance with the requirements contained in the UN Model Regulations, Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III,
subsection 38.3.
15. Regulatory Information
The batteries have been classified as non-dangerous goods and are therefore not regulated.
16. Other Information
The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the date of
preparation. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to this information and disclaims all liabilities from
reliance on it.