Texas Instruments LP5523 Programmable 9-Output LED Driver Evaluation Module LP5523EVM/NOPB LP5523EVM/NOPB Datenbogen

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components are physically large to make changing of the value easy if needed. The LP5523 input voltage VDD is supplied from
the USB port or from an external voltage applied to the X4 connector.
There are 7 pin connectors (jumpers) on the evaluation board for demonstrating some of the possible application options (see
 input of the device can be selected using J2 connector. Connecting right and center pin
with jumper selects that VDD is fed from USB, and connecting left and center pin with jumper selects that V
 is fed from connector
X4. Also whether V
 is powered from USB or from external voltage supply (X3 connector) can be selected with J1. Connecting
right and center pin with jumper selects that V
 is fed from USB, and connecting left and center pin with jumper selects that
 is fed from connector X3. Voltage on the USB port is 5.0V, and the maximum current is 500 mA. There is a voltage regulator
on the evaluation board which reduces the USB bus voltage to 3.3V. Connector X4 upper connection point is for VDD and lower
for Ground. Connector X3 upper connection point is for V
 and lower for Ground.
Pin connectors J10 J11, J12 are for selecting whether LP5523 LED outputs are connected to WLEDs or RGBs. If lower and center
pins are connected with jumper, J10 connects output 1 to D1 green, output 2 to D1 blue and output 7 to D1 red. If upper and center
pins are connected with jumper output 1 is connected to D4, output 2 to D5 and output 3 to D6. Pin connector J11 connects outputs
3 to D2 green, output 4 to D2 blue and output 8 to D2 red if lower and center pins connected with jumper. If upper and center pins
are connected with jumper output 4 is connected to D7, output 5 to D8 and output 6 to D9. Pin connector J12 connects output 5 to
D3 green, output 6 to D3 blue and output 9 D3 red if lower and center pins connected with jumper. If higher and center pins are
connected with jumper output 5 is connected to D10, output 8 to D11 and output 9 to D12. It is recommended that either RGB or
white LEDs are used and not mixed.
Pin connectors J13 and J14 are used to connect on board light sensor to LP5523. If J14 connectors left and center pins are
connected with jumper light sensors output is connected to INT pin. If J14 connectors right and center pins are connected with
jumper INT pin is connected to D14 LED. If J13 connectors left and center pins are connected with jumper light sensors GC1 pin
is connected to the LP5523 GPO pin. In this case pulling GPO sets the light sensor into standby mode. If this function is not desired
J13 can be left open. Light sensor's GC1 pin is pulled high with R10. 
 summarizes the available options.
TABLE 1. Jumper Options
Jumper #
Left/Lower Pin
Center Pin
Right/Upper Pin
VDDIO = external
VDDIO = 3.3V
VBATT = external
VBATT = 3.3V
RGB LED D1 in use (LED1 = G, LED2 = B, LED7 = R)
WLEDs in use (LED1 = D4, LED2 = D5, LED7 = D6)
RGB LED D2 in use (LED3 = G, LED4 = B, LED8 = R)
WLEDs in use (LED3 = D7, LED4 = D8, LED8 = D9)
RGB LED D3 in use (LED5 = G, LED6 = B, LED9 = R)
WLEDs in use (LED5 = D10, LED6 = D11, LED9 = D12)
Light sensor GC1 pin connected to LP5523 GPO pin. GPO can be used to
disable light sensor.
Not needed. GC1 pulled up with R10 resistor.
INT pin connected to light sensor output.
INT pin connected to D14 LED.
AN-2227 - LP5523 Evaluation Kit
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