Testo ComSoft 3 0554 0830 Datenbogen

0554 0830
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Context: Name of table
The context for the header in the table enables
access to the title and information box, which
can be edited in location. “Measuring protocol”
includes additional data on the protocol itself.
Context menu in diagrams
and other presentation
“Edit Line” leads to the
settings menu for presenting
the data and editing curves.
Note: This menu can be
reached directly by clicking
twice on the curve.
Menu layout: Context menus
1st session – Brief instructions
Context: Location
- Edit contents.
- Change/delete location name
- Edit information on location.
Additional parameters or useful information (if supplied by
instrument), particularly on location, can be entered via
“Properties”. These are also available on site, once they are
transmitted to the instrument.
Context: Work area
In the work area context e.g. table, the data which is
shown or is to be printed can be defined. Channels can
be made to appear or disappear via Edit. Additional
information for printing can be formulated via “Header”.
Menu layout: Context menus
1st session – Brief instructions