Atmel ARM-Based Evaluation Kit for SAM4S16C, 32-Bit ARM® Cortex® Microcontroller ATSAM4S-WPIR-RD ATSAM4S-WPIR-RD Datenbogen

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 (PWM_SCUC) is set to ‘1’ (see “Method 1: Manual write of 
Method 2 (UPDM = 1): The period value, the duty-cycle values, the dead-time values and the update period 
value must be written by the CPU in their respective update registers (respectively PWM_CPRDUPDx, 
PWM_CDTYUPDx and PWM_DTUPD). The update of the period value and of the dead-time values is 
triggered at the next PWM period as soon as the bit UPDULOCK in the PWM_SCUC register is set to ‘1’. 
The update of the duty-cycle values and the update period value is triggered automatically after an update 
period defined by the field UPR in the 
 (PWM_SCUP) (see 
Method 3 (UPDM = 2): same as Method 2 apart from the fact that the duty-cycle values of ALL synchronous 
channels are written by the Peripheral DMA Controller (PDC) (see “Method 3: Automatic write of duty-cycle 
transfer request with a comparison match (see 
), by the fields 
PTRM and PTRCS in the PWM_SCM register.
Method 1: Manual write of duty-cycle values and manual trigger of the update
In this mode, the update of the period value, the duty-cycle values and the dead-time values must be done by 
writing in their respective update registers with the CPU (respectively PWM_CPRDUPDx, PWM_CDTYUPDx and 
To trigger the update, the user must use the bit UPDULOCK in the PWM_SCUC register which allows to update 
synchronously (at the same PWM period) the synchronous channels:
If the bit UPDULOCK is set to ‘1’, the update is done at the next PWM period of the synchronous channels.
If the UPDULOCK bit is not set to ‘1’, the update is locked and cannot be performed.
After writing the UPDULOCK bit to ‘1’, it is held at this value until the update occurs, then it is read 0.
Sequence for Method 1:
Table 39-5.
Summary of the Update of Registers of Synchronous Channels
Period Value
Write by the CPU
Update is triggered at the
next PWM period as soon as
the bit UPDULOCK is set to ‘1’
Dead-Time Values 
Write by the CPU
Update is triggered at the
next PWM period as soon as
the bit UPDULOCK is set to ‘1’
Duty-Cycle Values 
Write by the CPU
Write by the CPU
Write by the PDC
Update is triggered at the next 
PWM period as soon as the bit 
UPDULOCK is set to ‘1’
Update is triggered at the next
PWM period as soon as the update period
counter has reached the value UPR
Update Period Value
Not applicable
Write by the CPU
Not applicable
Update is triggered at the next
PWM period as soon as the update period
counter has reached the value UPR