Mikroelektronika MIKROE-442 Datenbogen

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mikoBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24
Accessing Individual Bits
The mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24 allows you to access individual bits of 16-bit variables. It also supports 
sbit and bit data types.
Lets use the Zero bit as an example. This bit is defined in the definition file of the particular MCU as: 
const Z = 1
dim   Z_bit as sbit at SR.B1
To access this bit in your code by its name, you can write something like this: 
‘ Clear Zero Bit
SR.Z = 0
In this way, if Zero bit changes its position in the register, you are sure that the appropriate bit will be affected. 
But, if Zero bit is not located in the designated register, you may get errors.
Another way of accesing bits is by using the direct member selector (
) with a variable, followed by a primary expression. 
Primary expression can be variable, constant, function call or an expression enclosed by parentheses. For individual bit 
access there are predefined global constants 
B0, B1, … , B15
, or 
0, 1, … 15
, with 
 being the most significant bit:
‘ predefined globals as bit designators
‘ Clear bit 0 in STATUS register 
SR.B0 = 0
‘ literal constant as bit designator
‘ Set bit 5 in STATUS register 
SR.F5 = 1
‘ expression as bit designator
‘ Set bit 6 in STATUS register 
i = 5
SR.(i+1) = 1
In this way, if the target bit changes its position in the register, you cannot be sure that you are invoking the appropriate bit.
This kind of selective access is an intrinsic feature of mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24 and can be used 
anywhere in the code. Identifiers 
 are not case sensitive and have a specific namespace.
You may override them with your own members 
 within any given structure.
When using literal constants as bit designators instead of predefined ones, make sure not to exceed the appropriate type size.
Also, you can access the desired bit by using its alias name, in this case 
‘ Set Zero Bit 
Z_bit = 1
In this way, if the Zero bit changes its register or position in the register, you are sure that the appropriate bit will be affected.
See Predefined Globals and Constants for more information on register/bit names.