Mikroelektronika MIKROE-442 Datenbogen

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mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24
Linker Directives
mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24 uses internal algorithm to distribute objects within memory. If you need to 
have a variable or routine at the specific predefined address, use the linker directives 
Directive absolute
 specifies the starting address in RAM for a variable. If the variable is multi-byte, higher bytes will 
be stored at the consecutive locations.
 is appended to declaration of a variable:
‘ Variable x will occupy 1 word (16 bits) at address 0x32
dim x as word absolute 0x32
‘ Variable y will occupy 2 words at addresses 0x34 and 0x36
dim y as longint absolute 0x34
Be careful when using 
 directive, as you may overlap two variables by accident. For example:
dim  i as word absolute 0x42
‘ Variable i will occupy 1 word at address 0x42;
dim jj as longint absolute 0x40
‘ Variable will occupy 2 words at 0x40 and 0x42; thus,
‘ changing i changes jj at the same time and vice versa
Directive orgall
 specifies the starting address of a constant or a routine in ROM. It is appended to the constant or a 
routine declaration.
To place a constant array in Flash memory, write the following:
‘ Constant array MONTHS will be placed starting from the address 0x800
const MONTHS as byte[12] = (31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31) org 0x800
If you want to place simple type constant into Flash memory, instead of following declaration:
const SimpleConstant as byte = 0xAA org 0x2000
use an array consisting of single element:
const SimpleConstant as byte[1] = (0xAA) org 0x800
In first case, compiler will recognize your attempt, but in order to save Flash space, and boost performance, it will 
automatically replace all instances of this constant in code with it’s literal value. 
In the second case your constant will be placed in Flash in the exact location specified.
To place a routine on a specific address in Flash memory you should write the following: