Mikroelektronika MIKROE-442 Datenbogen

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mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24
The  visibility  of  an  identifier  is  that  region  of  the  program  source  code  from  which  legal  access  to  the  identifier’s 
associated object can be made.
Scope  and  visibility  usually  coincide,  though  there  are  circumstances  under  which  an  object  becomes  temporarily 
hidden by the appearance of a duplicate identifier, i.e. the object still exists but the original identifier cannot be used to 
access it until the scope of the duplicate identifier is ended.
Technically, visibility cannot exceed scope, but scope can exceed visibility.
Name Spaces
Name space is a scope within which an identifier must be unique. The mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24 uses 
two distinct categories of identifiers:
1. Global variables are visible throughout the whole unit, from the place of declaration. Also. they can be  
    seen in other units, if they are declared above the Implementation section. 
2. Local variables, parameters, types, function results - must be unique within the block in which they are  
For example:
dim level as byte
sub procedure control(dim sens as byte)
  dim location as byte
  location = 1
  sens = location
  level = 123
end sub
sub procedure temperature
  location = 0      ‘ ILLEGAL
  sens = 23         ‘ ILLEGAL: redefinition of sens
  level = 95
end sub
Place of declaration
Identifier is declared in the declaration section of 
the main module, out of any function or procedure
Scope extends from the point where it is declared to the end of the current 
file, including all routines enclosed within that scope. These identifiers have 
file scope and are referred to as globals.
Identifier is declared in the function or procedure
Scope extends from the point where it is declared to the end of the current 
routine. These identifiers are referred to as locals.
Identifier is declared in the interface section of the 
Scope extends the interface section of a module from the point where it 
is declared to the end of the module, and to any other module or program 
that uses that module. The only exception are symbols which have a scope 
limited to the file in which they are declared.
Identifier is declared in the implementation section of 
the module, but not within any function or procedure
Scope extends from the point where it is declared to the end of the module. 
The identifier is available to any function or procedure in the module.