Mikroelektronika MIKROE-442 Datenbogen

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mikroBasic PRO for dsPIC30/33 and PIC24
24F04KA201 and 24F16KA102 Family Specifics:
- These MCU’s have their Flash memory organized into memory blocks of 32 instructions (96 bytes), unlike  
  other PIC24 devices. 
- Erasing can be done only in 32-instructions (64 addresses, 96 bytes) memory blocks, which means that  
  the block start address should be a multiply of 64 (i.e. have 6 lower bits set to zero). 
- Data is read and written in 32-instructions (64 addresses, 96 bytes) blocks. This means that the block start  
  address should be a multiply of 64 (i.e. have 6 lower bits set to zero). 
- Unlike other PIC24 devices, writing or erasing one block of data (32 instructions), is followed by erasing the  
  memory block of the same size (32 instructions). 
Library Routines
dsPIC30 Functions
- FLASH_Erase32 
- FLASH_Write_Block 
- FLASH_Write_Compact 
- FLASH_Write_Init 
- FLASH_Write_Loadlatch4 
- FLASH_Write_Loadlatch4_Compact 
- FLASH_Write_DoWrite 
- FLASH_Read4 
- FLASH_Read4_Compact 
PIC24 and dsPIC33 Functions
- FLASH_Erase 
- FLASH_Write 
- FLASH_Write_Compact 
- FLASH_Read 
- FLASH_Read_Compact