Autodesk CUG Inventor Suite 2008 v.Mech.2006 dt. 52712-121462-9331 Benutzerhandbuch

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 Advanced Shape Description
Create a wide range of complex geometries by 
easily combining solids and surfaces. Inventor gives 
users precise control of shape characteristics, such 
as tangency and continuity. Advanced modeling 
tools include Loft to a Point, N-Sided Patch, Sweep 
Normal to Surface, Area Loft, Centerline Loft, G2 
Continuous Fillets, Full Round Fillets, and Face-to-
Face Fillets. 
Surface Quality Analysis
Create models with high-quality surface character-
istics, and check design data for manufacturability 
to avoid costly changes during manufacturing 
setup. Zebra and Gaussian analysis tools simplify 
the process of checking for tangency, continuity, 
and curvature. 
Draft Angle and Cross Section Analysis
Cross section analysis displays wall thickness, 
color-coded feedback of minimum and maximum 
thickness violations, and moment of inertia at 
the end of the cross section. Draft angle analysis 
displays color-coded draft angle based on a pull 
direction, which can be defined by an axis, plane,  
or planar face.
Import from AliasStudio
Use concept design data from Autodesk
AliasStudio™ software to reduce the time required 
to complete 3D product design. Incorporate curve 
and surface data from AliasStudio into Inventor 
part models using DWG import and export tools 
built into the two products.
Sculpt Tool
Quickly and easily modify shape details using 
surfaces from Inventor or by incorporating 
imported surfaces. Construct 3D part geometry 
from closed set surfaces, and incorporate 
imported surface data into the model using the 
Sculpt tool to modify existing parts by adding or 
removing material. 
Part Design
Image courtesy of ADEPT Airmotive