Buffalo NAS server 6 TB LS421-6TBR LS421-6TBR LS421-6TBR Datenbogen

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Click Edit.
Enable “Access Restrictions”.
Select the level of access for the user or group:
: Read and write access allowed      
: Read access allowed      
: Access prohibited
Click OK.
•  If both read-only and read & write permissions are given to a user, the user will have read-only access. The most 
restrictive attribute will apply.
•  To have the LinkStation join an Active Directory domain, configure it to use a DNS server that can resolve names 
for the Active Directory domain.
•  After building an Active Directory domain, the administrator password for joining the domain must be changed 
at least once, or joining the Active Directory domain will fail.
•  The DNS name and NetBIOS name of Active Directory domain should be identical.
•  If there are more than 5 minutes difference between the LinkStation’s clock and the domain controller’s clock, 
joining the domain or authenticating domain users and groups may fail. For best results, use an NTP server to set 
the time for all network devices.
NT Domains
In an NT domain environment, the LinkStation uses account information from the NT domain server to set access 
restrictions for files and folders on the LinkStation. There’s no need to perform individual account management for the 
LinkStation. If multiple LinkStations are installed on the network, the account information is centrally managed in the NT 
domain, greatly reducing the operations required for installation and management.
Note: A maximum of 1000 domain users and 1000 groups can be downloaded from an NT domain server.
Create an account on the domain controller for the LinkStation.
In Settings, click Network.