Buffalo NAS server 12 TB TeraStation 5400 Rack WD Red TS5400RWR1204-EU TS5400RWR1204-EU Datenbogen

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•  For Windows 8.1 and Windows 8, use a local username instead of your Windows Live ID.
•  The user ID should be a number from 1000 to 1999. Each user ID should be unique. If this field is left blank, a user 
ID is assigned automatically.
•  Do not duplicate user IDs, group IDs, usernames, or group names. Each should be distinct and unique.
•  The description may contain up to 75 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and spaces. Do not 
use a symbol or space as the first character.
•  When setting users with access privileges, a maximum of 300 users, including “admin” and “guest”, can be regis-
tered in the TeraStation.
•  Passwords may contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters and the following characters: - _ @ ! # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , . / ; 
< > = ? “ [ ] ^ { } | ~. Do not use a symbol other than an underscore (_) as the first character.
•  Use the same username and password for both Windows and the TeraStation or you may not be able to access 
shared folders.
Importing User Information
You can import users in File Sharing - Users by clicking Import CSV File. Existing users will be overwritten.
Format for user data: Username (required), password (required), and user description (optional).
•  Use commas (,) as separators. Do not put spaces before or after commas.
•  If a line has an incorrect format, the user on that line will not be registered.
•  If a username exists, the new user information will overwrite the old information.
•  Do not use commas (,) in the username, password, or user description.
Note: Imported users are added to the “hdusers” group automatically.
Shared Folder Owners
To confirm the owner of a shared folder from Windows XP, from the Properties screen of the file or folder, open a new 
window from the Security tab. Click Advanced, then click the Owner tab.
Adding Groups
In “File Sharing”, select Groups.
Click Add Group.
Enter settings, then click OK.