C Control PRO-BOT128 + C-Control PRO 128 Unit + Voltcraft® USB programming cable Kit 190406 Benutzerhandbuch

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18. Expansion ideas
Now you can start with your own experiments!
If everything functions and your PRO-BOT128 has successfully passed the individual test programs, you can start developing own programs
and hardware extensions.
Here are a few suggestions of what you could do with your robot and which hardware extensions are possible:
• PID or PD control for forward drive
• Controlled faster line follower
• Mobile alarm system
• Odometric evaluation so that the robot passes defined points and then finds its way back
• IR communication with HI-FI devices
• PC software for remote controlling
• Radio modem for data exchange between the PC and the PRO-BOT 128
• Small camera for image evaluation (e.g. CMU CAM)
• Play football
• Charging base for PRO-BOT128
• Automatic access of a charging base when the batteries are empty
• Producing maps with an ultrasound sensor (e.g. Devantech SRF02)
• Playback of various melodies via the beeper