Kaiser Nienhaus 380000 Garage Door Motor 380000 Datenbogen

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02.2006  TR10A033-A  RE
The installer must check that the fitting materials supplied are
suitable for the purpose and intended place of installation.
The clearance between the highest point of the door and
the ceiling (also when the door is opening) must be at
least 30 mm (see figure
). If there is inadequate
clearance, the operator may also be installed behind the
opened door, provided sufficient space is available. In
these instances, an extended door link (to be ordered
separately) must be used. The garage door operator can
be positioned off-centre by a maximum of 50 cm. The
exception being sectional doors with high-lift tracks
(track application "H"), where a special track fitting is re-
quired. The required shockproof electric socket allowing
the operator to be connected to the electricity supply
should be installed at a distance of approx. 50 cm from
the operator head. Please check these dimensions!
A sign warning about the trap hazard must be permanently
affixed at a conspicuous location or in the proximity of the
permanently installed push-buttons used to operate the
Permanently installed controls (such as
push-buttons, switches etc.) have to be
installed within sight of the door but well
away from any moving parts at a height
of at least 1.5 m. It is vital that they are
installed out of the reach of children!
Make sure that 
- neither persons nor objects are located 
within the door's range of travel.
- children do not play around with the 
door system!
- the rope of the mechanical release on 
the carriage cannot become entangled 
in the ceiling's support system or in any 
other protruding parts of vehicles or the 
For garages without a second access door, an
emergency release must be fitted to ensure
that there is no danger of getting locked out.
This must be ordered separately and its function
checked once a month.
Do not allow anyone to hang bodily from the
release pull rope with knob!
1.4 Maintenance 
The garage door operator is maintenance-free. For your
own safety, however, we recommend having the door
system checked by a specialist in accordance with the
manufacturer's specifications. Inspection and maintenance
work may only be carried out by a specialist. In this con-
nection, please contact your supplier. A visual inspection
may be carried out by the owner. 
If repairs become necessary, please contact your supplier.
We would like to point out that any repairs not carried
out properly or with due professionalism shall render the
warranty null and void.
Information on the illustrated section
The illustrated section shows installation of the operator
on an up-and-over door. Where installation differs for a
sectional door, this is shown in addition. In this instance,
letters are assigned to the figures as follows:
to the sectional door and 
to the up-and-over door.
Some of the figures additionally include the symbol
shown below, offering a text reference. These references
to specific texts in the ensuing text section provide you
with important information regarding installation and
operation of the garage door operator.
= see text section, point 2.2
In addition, in both the text section and the illustrated 
section at the points where the DIL-switches of the 
operator are explained, the following symbol appears 
to indicate a factory setting or settings.
= This symbol indicates the 
factory setting/s of the 
No part of this instruction manual may be reproduced without
our prior permission. Subject to changes.