Siemens syngo CT 2005C Benutzerhandbuch

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Body Kernels
• As standard kernels for body tissue studies B31s or 
B41s are recommended; softer images are obtained 
with B20s.
• For higher sharpness, as is required e.g., in patient 
protocols for cervical spine, shoulder, extremities, 
thorax, the kernels B50s, B60s, B70s are available.
• In case of 3D study only, use kernel B20s and at least 
50% overlapping for image reconstruction.
Patient positioning is very important for artifact-free 
images. The thoracic girdle should be positioned as far 
as possible in the caudal direction. This can be done 
using a strap with a permanent loop or Velcro fastener 
at its end. The ends of the strap must be attached to 
the patients wrists. Then the strap must be wrapped 
around the patients feet with his legs extended and 
under tension. The entire thoracic girdle is thus pulled 
toward the patients feet.  Page 90  Friday, April 8, 2005  9:55 AM