Test-Um VALIDATOR-NT NT955 Benutzerhandbuch

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Test-Um NT955 Series
2.1. Battery Info
This screen indicates whether the unit is operating on Battery Power or 
External Power and displays information that allows the user to monitor 
the remaining charge status and aging of the battery. 
(Figure 2.2 & Figure 2.3) 
Charge Remaining: Displays the percentage of charge 
remaining  in percentages ranging from 0% to 100%.  As the 
battery discharges, the percentage of remaining charge is 
reported in 10% steps.
Status:  Reports the status of the charge cycle as Charging, 
Normal (temperature in range), Charge Cycle Complete, 
Automatic Shutdown Pending, Temperature Out of Range (too 
high or too low to charge), Cannot Read Battery Status, or No 
Serial Number:  Allows the user to identify a specific battery
Charge Cycles: Reports the number of times the battery 
charger completes the charge cycle. 
Remaining Maximum Capacity:  An estimate of the ability of 
the battery to store the charge.  
Total Charge Accumulated:  Tracks the amount of charge put 
into the battery.
The Battery Info screen also includes a Reset Charge (RST CHRG) F1 
soft key.  The purpose of this function is to reset the charge cycle when 
you change out the battery. You can also start a new charge cycle by 
disconnecting the AC adapter momentarily.
The battery from the remote can be placed into the main unit and its 
properties can be viewed.
Note: For additional power and battery information see the Battery 
and Power Management section of this guide.