Tascam RC-601mkII Benutzerhandbuch

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Cue points and other disc information saved on each disc 
can be saved to memory on the CD-601MKII.
In addition to cue point information, disc ID, A/B memo 
points, pitch control values, playback mode, time display 
mode, and other disc information is saved. 
Memory Banks
Disc information is stored to memory on the CD-601MKII. Five 
memory banks (A to E) are provided, and 100 discs’ worth of 
disc information can be stored per bank. Up to ten points can be 
registered to each disc.
The disc information of the same disc cannot be stored to 
the same bank. However, it can be stored to different banks. 
Saving Disc Information
D i s c  i n f o r m a t i o n  i s  s a v e d  t o  i n t e r n a l  m e m o r y  o n 
CD-601MKII by the following operation. 
1  Select the save destination memory bank (A to E) using 
menu No. 13 (“BANK”).
2 Press the SET key to set the remote control unit to the 
set mode. 
The SET indicator lights.
3 Press 
This saves the disc information to the bank, and the 
memory indication (“M”) in the display window lights. 
The SET indicator goes out.
  When the disc information of the same disc is already 
saved, the message “Over write?” prompting you if it 
is OK to overwrite the information will be displayed. To 
overwrite the information, either press the 
Úkey again, or 
turn the SEARCH dial clockwise (towards YES). To not 
overwrite the information, either press the CLR key, or 
turn the SEARCH dial counterclockwise (towards NO). 
  The message “Over write?” prompting you if it is OK to 
overwrite the information will also be displayed when 100 
discs’ worth of information is already saved.
  To overwrite, select one of memory Nos. 1 to 100 to 
overwrite using the JOG/DATA dial, and either press the 
Úkey again, or turn the SEARCH dial clockwise (towards 
YES). To not overwrite the information, either press the 
CLR key, or turn the SEARCH dial counterclockwise 
(towards NO). 
Reading Disc Information
When a disc containing disc information saved to internal 
memory on the CD-601MKII is loaded, the memory 
indication (“M”) lights in the display window. 
To read disc information, perform the following.
1 Press 
RCL key. 
The  RCL indicator lights, and the “M” indication in the 
display window blinks. 
2 Press 
The disc information is read, and the “M” indication in the 
display window stops blinking and is lit. 
The RCL indicator goes out.
Clearing Disc Information
The disc information currently saved to internal memory on 
the CD-601MKII can be cleared. All of the disc information in 
all of the banks is cleared by the following operation. 
When menu No. 21 (“A_CLR”) is selected, the message 
“SURE?” will be displayed. Press the 
Úkey (or turn the 
SEARCH dial clockwise).
The details that are cleared differ according to the setting 
of menu No. 22 (“USER”) as follows: (→ page 15 “Saving 
Menu Settings”)
•  When set to “U1” to “U5”: All disc information is cleared.
•  When set to “PRE”: All disc information is cleared, 
and the menu settings of user banks “U1” to “U5” are 
returned to their default settings.
RC-601MKII_Eng.indd   23
3/24/2005   2:38:21 PM